Replacing headlight bulb in Renault Laguna II

How to replace headlight bulb in Renault Laguna II – this is the answer 馃檪

A few days ago I had to change a bulb in headlight in my car – Renault Laguna II (2005, 1.9dTi, right hand steering wheel). The exchange has been done on the driver’s side – means on right side of the car (right hand steering wheel).

Contrary to appearances, this was not a simple operation, and even if someone has already done it once – I do not recommend the exchange of the night.

To replace the bulb in the lamp and save time follow steps below:

renault-laguna-diagramNIKON COOLPIX L4 (6.3mm, f/2.8, 1/162 sec, ISO50)

1) remove the plastic clip (I do not know how it can be removed without breaking, but even then you can reuse it). It is simply to undermine the strength of a flat screwdriver;

2) Unscrew the power steering oil filler cap (it keeps the cover);

3) remove the cover;

4) remove the extension of the washer fluid reservoir through the power draw.

5) remove the rear cover of the light bulb by unscrewing it. Cover is fastened to the bayonet catch;

6) Loosen the connector feed the bulb;

7) Detachable bulb through the hairpin bend it toward the fender, then the clip can be tilted downward on the other two acting wires as hinges;

8) Remove the old bulb

9) set up a new bulb (H7, 55W)

Assemble in reverse order except that I note that much better to put the light bulb, fasten it with pins, and then to create a piece of the power cords.

I remember that a few months ago I changed the bulb on the passenger side (on the left, UK car). Also it was very crowded, it was from what I remember remove the battery cover and remained very low on their hands, but the exchange was possible.





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