Did you change the password at the botom of pi-star website, like shown below?

I have a feeling the problem if you type too short password. Pi-star local website will accept the short password, but the linux password will stay unchanged. The result is the new password will not wok for the pi-star/ website, but you still can get access to the pi-star linux system through ssh (eg. putty). How to fix the problem? First of all, came up with the new, longer password. Then login through ssh using the old password.
then type:
rpi-rw – to make the system read-write. ro (read only) will change to rw:

then type:
passwd – you will be asked to provide the old and then the new password
(do not use command sudo passwd)
make sure you are in rw mode and then type:
sudo htpasswd -b /var/www/.htpasswd pi-star yOurnewPassw0rD 🙂
all done 🙂