Motorola GM360 (GM300 series) how to legally bypass password

Just few days ago I bought online a Motorola GM360. The good practise is always to download the codeplug first and store it safe on HDD. So I was a bit disappointed when I found out that downloading the codeplug from radio to the computer results with a password request:

Password request

So I gave up and I decided to upload to the radio a different codeplug from another Motorola GM360 I had. Unfortunately, when I was trying to upload the codeplug to the radio, I got a message saying “you try to upload version 6 codeplug, the radio can accept only version 4 codeplug”. Ups… So quick research and I found a good news: I found that in the folder (see picture below) I can find a lot of sample codeplugs:

Sample codeplugs

So I found that there is a lot of different codeplugs, for different radios, including mine. Also I found that the sample codeplugs are in version 8, 7 & 6. And of course no codeplugs in version 4. So I spent another 2h or so online looking for Motorola GM360 codeplug in version 4. No chance to find anything, probably due to the copyrights. Anyway, then I found the last chance solution, which I will describe below. Please trust me, I would crack the password regardless it is officially legal or not. I just had to program the radio! Motorola’s rules say that it is illegal to modify the software or codeplug using external software. The method I found is 100% legal, as I do NOT modify anything. Only what you need is the software called WinHEX. The software will read the RAM memory and it will reveal the password.

See step by step how it has been done:

Password Request

Open WinHEX and go to tools -> Open Memory

Look for GP300 (even if your radio is called differently)

Click User defined range

Type 00000000 (8 x 0)

Type FFFFFFFF (8 x F)

Press CTRL+F and search for your radio’s serial number (could be found in 2 or 3 places!)

This is a bit tricky bit. You will see: serial number, than model number, then date of the last codeplug modification and then the serial number of the codeplug. And the bit after is our password. In my case the password was called in hexadecimal number: 00 C6 (in ANSI ASCII it is space AE).

So now you need to go to tools and Hex Converter and type 00 C6 – it revealed that my password was 198. The method works and because you do not modify the software it is 100% legal.

Convert Hexadecimal number to a decimal.

In my case the password was 198

8 thoughts on “Motorola GM360 (GM300 series) how to legally bypass password

  1. James says:

    I would be very interested as to how you found the code was in that location? I’m working on a Hytera PD705LT with exactly the same problem right now. How did you logically work out that the code was there. Kind regards

    1. admin says:

      Hi, I found solution on another website so I cannot help too much 🙂


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