It was an amazing day out on our bikes. It was the first time in Karina’s life (she is 1y 4m old now) when she could ride a bike – of course in the rear seat. I put our bike on my car’s roof:
Sony C6833 (2.96mm, f/2.4, 1/800 sec, ISO40)
We parked the car at the car park in Wickham, where the track starts.
We did not do a lot of mikes (roughly 2 x 4 miles) which was actually good, because of the way back Karina decided to fall asleep. Before it happened, we were all happy bunnies 🙂
Sony C6833 (2.96mm, f/2.4, 1/100 sec, ISO40)
Sony C6833 (2.96mm, f/2.4, 1/160 sec, ISO40)