How to delete CityVille on Facebook

CityVille was a great game online on Facebook, until they started to do stupid things like deleting my jobs before I finished them or making people idiots by saying “Congratulations, you can buy now CityVille cash 50% off…”. Do they congratulate me spending my money??? No, thanks.

Anyway, I decided to delete this game from my account not only because I think Zynga & Facebook treat people as idiots, but also because just the game has been fu**ed up by doing unexpected things.

Anyway, to delete CityVille you have to go to:

Account settings;
Apps (in left menu);
Remove the application by clicking the cross on the right.

Facebook is a real shit. I think I am almost ready to delete my account on Facebook. I am just the one, small person, but if a lot of people do it, maybe they will realise they are loosing people and money. Anyway, I deleted CityVille and I hope I will be able to spend much more time with my friends and myself.

So, maybe the next article will be: “How to delete Facebook account?” 馃檪

On the picture below is the city which I built. I spend over 1 year on this game 馃檪



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