Sex Shop in Norwich
A few days ago I found… sex shop in Norwich. I know it is nothing special, but it was just
My first HDR Photography (High Dynamic Range)
This afternoon I have done my first tests with HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography. HDR is a set of techniques
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Sky at night – my first “pro” :) night photos
Tonight I took a few photos of the night sky. That was my first time when I had done pictures
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Czy zaufałbyś Polakom?
Dzisiejszego popołudnia, będąc na spacerze, natknąłem się na tabliczkę wbitą w ziemię na podwórku przed jednym z domów w Norwich.
Graffiti in Norwich
There is something similar to Banksy in Norwich. I found these in the centre of Norwich:
Norwich at night
Today (2014) I am laughing but below you can find my first night photos done with a tripod (wow! 😛