Today I found an error in BI7JTA MMDVM modem. And it is a very strange problem, as previously everything was working normal.
- MMDVM not connected to DMR server
- Pi-Star does not see MMDVM firmware, mmdvmcal not available
- DMR & DMR Net cells are red (normally green)
- Radio info is empty
- Logs say: Unable to read the firmware version after six attempts

Correct apearience:

So what caused the problem? I know only the action which caused the problem, I do not know the problem deeply. So it happened when I decided to use a new SD card, as the old one was refurbished and in the past gave me some hard time. So I installed the new pi-star system, when I used a procedure from to install the Nextion driver. And it completely ruined the MMDVM, it just stopped working. Before anybody says anything, probably this is something to do with the new pi-star updates. Also I am aware about a problem with a need of double installation for the Nextion driver. Few months ago I had to install the Nextion driver, then it did not work correctly (but it did not stop pi-star from working correctly). SO the know solution was to uninstall the driver and install again. This time it just simply not working at all, despite the fact I reinstalled it few times. So the solution to get the pi-star working again was to uninstall the Nextion driver completely. Unfortunately the display is not working anymore.
Procedure of uninstalling the Nextion driver:
rpi-rw; sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/NextionDriver; cd /home/pi-star; sudo rm -f*; sudo rm -rf NextionDriver; sudo rm -rf NextionDriverInstaller;
Now to turn off and turn back on raspberry pi with pi-star and it should start working correctly.